Executive & Leadership Coaching



Executive Coaching empowers leaders to develop their strategic, leadership and people skills. Coaching helps people to identify and work to maximise their strengths and the strengths of their team. Coaching helps leaders get clear about what they want to achieve, helps identify the blocks standing in the way of success and sets a clear plan for how to achieve their goals. The CEO’s and senior leaders that I work with, also report finding huge benefit in having a sounding board, a non judgmental space away from the day to day to think about the issues that they may be facing but also to think about what type of leader they want to be, to have more work/life balance and to think about where they want their career to go. Executive coaching sessions run for 90 minutes at a cost of €150 per session. The number of sessions required depends on the individual, but I recommend a minimum of 6 sessions but ideally I would suggest we work together for at least 6 months for coaching to be of maximum benefit to you. To find out more about executive coaching and whether or not it’s right for you, click here to book an initial consultation call and we can have a chat and see if it’s a good fit for you.

Leadership & management development - 6 sessions

I deliver a one-to-one coaching development programmes for leaders and managers wishing to understand themselves better as managers and upskill in ways that help them become more effective in their role and develop their teams to become more effective. The first session will be identifying the pain points for them and any issues they are having and I will curate a development programme that works best for them and helps them to address in real time whatever issues they may be having and also help them build on where they wish to go as a manager. In the 6 sessions (which run fortnightly over 12 weeks), we may cover for example:

  • Individual DiSC Managers Report - this is an individual assessment and profile of the person’s management style and gives a wealth of information on motivating and managing individuals.

  • Building a High Performing - we cover the elements of building a high performing team and identify and assess how their current team is operating then create an action plan of how to improve their team.

  • Motivation - The neuroscience of motivation, how to motivate your employees and yourself to achieve results and create manage change.

  • Developing a vision for themselves as a leader - how are they now, versus how would they like to be as a leader. What are their values, beliefs, ways of thinking, mindset that are supporting them or standing in their way.

  • Structuring one-to-ones with staff - contracting, setting rules and boundaries, getting the best out of your employees, the GROW model.

  • Dealing with conflict - How to deal effectively with conflict between team members and between yourself and your direct reports.

This one to one leadership development programme costs €699 and runs over a 12 week period online for 6 x 90 minute sessions. Click here to get in touch and find out if this Leadership development programme is right for you or your team.

Since working with Alison I have increased confidence in both my private and professional life. I’m learning to enjoy the process of the journey. I have become more relaxed and focused. Challenge yourself by engaging with a coach, you will not realise your full potential until you do, doing so will actually move you forward in life. If you are looking for sound council, you will find it in Alison
— S.B., Executive Coaching Client, ESB Networks
‘Alison really understands people - her holistic approach means that she gets to the root of what is holding you back and provides reassurance and direction for how to overcome these blocks. I would highly recommend working with Alison if you need clarity and focus with any aspect of your personal and/or professional life.’
— E Cagney, Executive Coaching Client